Lightning apps for Android

What is the best Lightning app for Android? We have selected the best apps about lightning with exercises and workout plans.

Trusted developers like Last Minute, David Gross Apps, Earth Networks Inc are known to create software that in theory will give you local forecast and weather date. Use them wise to check weather predictions.

We have concluded that the best weather apps include Blitzortung - Lightning Maps, Lightning Map - GOES-16 Near Real-Time Lightning, Sferic Mobile. Below is the complete list with 4 applications about lightning that are tested manually.

Which lightning app is the best is up to you after all.

Download Blitzortung - Lightning Maps

Blitzortung - Lightning Maps

Wo blitzt es? Verfolge Unwetter Bewegungen mit dem Gewitterradar von Blitzortung - Lightning Maps. Mit der einfachen ...


Download Lightning Map - GOES-16 Near Real-Time Lightning

Lightning Map - GOES-16 Near Real-Time Lightning

Displays near real-time lightning flash observations from the GOES-16 GLM satellite. Each loop shows the past one hour ...


Download Sferic Mobile

Sferic Mobile

Sferic Mobile provides on-the-go access to Earth Networks’ proprietary network of more than 12,000 professional-grade hy...


Download Blitzortung Lightning Monitor

Blitzortung Lightning Monitor

Simple to use map based application visualizing real time full area lightning data provided by the light...